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My name is John Palmer. I am a husband and father of two who enjoys hiking and cycling.
I was diagnosed with panhypopituitarsim due to an ectopic pituitary gland when I was 6 months old and I’ve taken growth hormone since I was a year old.
Date of Birth: 06/07/89
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Blood Type: O-
Height: 6’2″
Weight: 210 lbs.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Religion: Catholic
Allergies: Strawberries
Last Updated May 2022
Emergency Treatment: 100 mg Solu-Cortef Injection – Stored in front pouch of blue NorthFace backpack
Allergic to Strawberries, Carries Epi-Pen
DNR Order Do-Not-Resuscitate-Order
Adrenal Insufficiency Stress Dosing Guidelines (NADF) nadf_stress-dosing_guidelines
Adrenal Insufficiency Surgery Protocol (NADF) surgery_protocol_for_adult
Last Updated May 2022
Allergies: Strawberries. No known drug allergies.
Birthmarks: Cafe au Lait Spot, right shoulder
The symptoms of adrenal insufficiency usually begin gradually. Early symptoms may include:
- Unusual fatigue and muscle weakness
- Dizziness when standing
- Nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea
- Loss of appetite
- Stomachache
Symptoms that may occur in the later stages of the disease include:
- Weight loss
- Dark tanning of the skin
- Craving for salt
- Levothyroxine – 125 mcg/1x daily
- Hydrocortisone – 5 mg/3x daily
- Zomacton – Human Growth Hormone – 1x daily
- Vitamin B2 – 200mg
- Naproxen for chronic pain
- Epi-Pen as needed
Medications can be found in the glovebox or in my blue NorthFace backpack.
No current records.
- Jane Palmer | 555.555.5555 | Wife | Medical Power of Attorney
- Rob Palmer | 444.444.4444 | Father
- Rick Espe, MD | Primary Care Physician | 888.888.8888
- William Huse, MD | Endocrinologist | 999.999.9999
Dental Appliances:
- Permanent Upper Retainer
Contact lens wearer.
Genetic testing pending.
Father – Heart Attack at age 52
- Carries royal blue NorthFace backpack
- Avid bike rider
- Wears Apple watch
- Cellphone is an iPhone 13
- Recent appointment notes
Recent Test Results
Additional Records