Welcome to the Non-Profit Resource Page

Welcome to the My Rare ID Partner program.

On this page you will find some very helpful links to documents that you can download:

  • The Welcome Kit will explain how the affiliate program works. You can also see a sample of a My Rare ID Emergency Card will look like. We have provided some sample language that you can use (if you wish) on your website.
  • Lastly, there is the My Rare ID Partner Badge. This can be used on your website and social media channels.

Once you have downloaded the documents please complete the Non-Profit partner form. This will help us with setting up your affiliate profile.

If you have any questions please contact us at hello@myrareid.co  

Document Downloads

My Rare ID Welcome Kit

Sample Card Front and Back

Sample Text for Website

Partner Badge for Website and Social Media

My Rare ID One Sheet

Please complete the following Non-Profile Partner Resource Form:

Non-Profit Partners Resource Form

Once you have completed the form, the My Rare ID team will email you a confirmation that your Affiliate Account is ready. 

For a member of your community to sign up and get started, 

Go to Myrareid.co and from the menu select Shop

On the Shop page – select the My Rare ID Starter Pack (Your Organizations) version.

Put the starter pack in the cart. Open the cart on check out. 

The member will get an email with instructions on what to do next… That’s it!!!


Your Shopping cart
